Duration : 01/2017 - 01/2019


The Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Northern European Atlantic region project (SIMNORAT) brings together a number of partners — research organisations, marine planning authorities and marine management bodies — from France, Portugal and Spain.

This project aims to support the implementation of the European Directive 2014/89/EU of 23 July 2014 establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning (“MSP Directive”) in the European waters of the Western Mediterranean waters of Spain, France, Italy and Malta. In addition it aims to establish a concrete cross-border maritime spatial planning cooperation between the Member States.

SIMNORAT partners address both key objectives through a variety of approaches, including: literature and desktop research; future trend analysis; collaborative scenario development; practitioner/stakeholder interview; development of case studies; and stakeholder engagement mechanisms.

SIMNORAT outputs are practitioner focused, and look to identify and share best practice on: technical, (e.g. data management), scientific (e.g. ecosystem based management), and social (e.g. stakeholder engagement processes) aspects of MSP implementation that address barriers to implementation of the MSP Directive and effective Cooperation on transboundary working for MSP.